Wednesday, November 08, 2006

No-horse race, thanks.

So did I mention I hate the Melbourne Cup?

I used to just hate the event itself, but each year I am becoming more and more sincerely grizzled over the senseless enthusiasm people express towards it. Senseless I tell you! Anything with a pack-mentality really sh*ts me these days and the Melbourne Cup stinks of it.

It's right up there with St Patrick's Day, Oktoberfest and New Year's Eve on the list of meaningless events that bring out my inner killjoy.

And what's with pretending like it is glamorous? Let me tell you, b*tches, the truly glamorous don't tend to hang out in an ill-fitting dress in a car park sipping pre-mixed drinks and eating party pies.

"Drunk at 11.30am - another great life achievement"

Sure, Breezers are affordable and party pies can be quite tasty, but they's aint classy.
"Eating is cheating girls!"

I tell you what is much more exciting - the US mid-term elections! (Wow! Blogger's new 'seamless segue' button really works!)
"New US $50 note design"

Just try stealing this one now, f*ck-face.

My main source of interest is probably the local consequences of a Democrat resurgence. Sure would suck to be you, asshat:
"I can't believe I forgot my tie-pin - I look ridiculous"

A US congress with the potential to impeach Bush? Now that's worth breaking out the party pies for.


TLA said...

Well now. That's an interesting message there from "Causal". Shame you're not a US citizen and everything, though, huh?

In any case, that's a mighty fine picture of our Fearless Leader So Sadly Struck Down by Dwarfism and Bad Fashion Sense there.

Nice work, csh. Nice work indeed.

TLA said...

Oh, and also? Cheap whores in unflattering dresses and shoes that bear no resemblance to sensible deserve all the sunburn/pneumonia and blisters that they get. Plus hopefully some food and/or alcohol poisoning from the alcopops and party-sized packages of lips and arseholes.

comicstriphero said...

Wow Causal! I feel as though you've written that especially for me! Very touching and not at all form letter. Shucks.

TLA - Food poisoning yes, as long as you throw up in your handbag you'll still be classy.

Ampersand Duck said...

I'd give you a high five but elsewhere you said you'd hurt your hand, so I'll just say RIGHT ON on all counts.

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah. The only glamorous thing about the Melbourne Cup (in Melbourne) is the public holiday. The whole spectacle (especially all the fillies cantering around town wearing next-to-nothing despite the freezing cold) is just one more item of proof that we are, in the main, a nation of bogans.

Anonymous said...

Anyone seen the movie, 'Kenny'? Summed up my first and only experience of the Melbourne Cup to a T.

redcap said...

I despise the Melbourne Cup too! And New Year's Eve! I started to post on the enormouse waste of space that is Cup Day, but then I just felt bitchy and waspish (well, bitchier and most waspish than usual) and didn't. So thank you for that. I've laughed AND I feel validated :)

comicstriphero said...

I feel validated too. So thanks everyone.

I think I mentioned my feelings about the cup at work, on cup day. So much stunned silence and staring. Anyone'd think I dropped my daks or something truly shocking.

I'm so unAustralian.