Thursday, July 26, 2007

And the Nobel Prize for Chavism goes to...

I know, I know - but this picture is apt. It shows where the baby came from...

Proud parents Jordan and Peter Andre have landed their new child with a mouthful of a moniker . . . PRINCESS TIAAMII.

They chose the barmy name - pronounced tee-ah-me - as a tribute to their parents.

Andre's mother is called Thea, while Jordan's mother's name is Amy.
As the LovelyWife notes, looks a little bit like an insurance company acronym. No child should be burdened with that many superfluous vowels.

How many more of these name-crimes must we endure before a UN resolution is passed requiring worldwide adoption of the Hungarian and Danish approach of instituting an official list of baby names?!?!

Won't someone please think of the children!

Closer to home:

I honestly don't know which is worse.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Out of office

I don't give a crap about your email am currently out of the office.

I will ignore respond to your timewasting hassle email when I return with post-holiday depression so bad I'll likely just delete your email straight away.

If the matter is something you've kindly left to the last minute urgent, please contact anyone but me and they will hopefully repay your kindness in coming to us at the last minute with a half-baked response sent exactly 5 minutes after the point at which we were so late with our response, you could no longer use it.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A post about my cat? Surely I jest.

To celebrate our first anniversary with Tobias, a pictorial tribute.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Simpsons me, Simpsons you

If only my posture were this good in real life

A worthy distraction in your day - create yourself as a Simpsons character.

Friday, July 06, 2007

That's my Christmas shopping done

I don’t know how common this is, but in my office we are lucky enough to have a ‘book club’ – a display of books for sale on the counter near the tea room. Must be the stuff they can’t even sell at those “All Books 50c” sales they hold in disused industrial estates.

Oh, and it's not just books. Our office is now a clearing house for $20 jewellery and children’s toys so flammable they catch fire if the heating is on too high.

Stuff that is clearly so obscure or poorly made, it would never find a home on the shelves of retail outlets.

You know the kind of thing151 delicious terrine recipes, Witchcraft for you at home, or a "3 in one measuring tape, pocket torch and infant thermometer".

Anyway, that’s not the point. I don’t even have to make the point.

The following pictures of one of the products, speak for themselves.

Looks harmless enough...

Kangaroos and Uluru...

Oh. I see. Classy.