Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Drama! Absurdity! The Occult! Welcome to 21st century communications policy

I hate to make a point with a sledgehammer, but Has anyone seen that play The ISP-Level Filter Trial The Crucible?

Well, according to Wiki, the play begins with revelations that most Australians some village girls may have dabbled in a bit of teh un-legal online activities witchcraft.

These were apparently enabled by off-shore hosted servers Tituba, one of the village family’s slaves, from Barbados.

Stephen Conroy Reverend John Hale is summoned to look into the incident. He is an expert in nothing occultist phenomena and is eager to put into practice a completely disproportionate response his acquired learning.

He questions the other village girls, who, in an attempt to avoid being deemed a pr0n-watcher witch, profess a blacklist of websites people they’ve seen with bit-torrent software the Devil.

The play then tells of a descent into hysteria and injustice as Conroy the villagers accuses everyone else others in an attempt to save his reputation themselves. Anyone who dissents against the irrational and deeply flawed ISP-level filtering witchcraft trials are labelled perverts witches, thus undermining any rational criticism of the trials.

As the bureaucrats Danforth says in Senate Estimates Act III, “an ISP person is either with this filtering trial court or he must be counted as having something to hide against it.”

The filteringwitch trials are the ultimate expression of knee-jerk, politically driven madness intolerance (and the resulting cut in broadband speeds hanging witches is the ultimate irony, coming from the Broadband Minister means of restoring the community's purity); the trials brand all free speech advocates social deviants with the taint of child-pr0n devil-worship and thus necessitate their elimination from the debate community.

Hysteria supplants logic and enables Conroy people to believe that everyday Australianstheir neighbours, whom they have always considered upstanding people, are committing absurd and unbelievable online crimes — communing with the file sharersdevil, killing babies, and so on.

As we all know, The ISP-Level Filter Trial The Crucible is symbolic of the religious right’s 1950s American paranoia about moral decay communism and illustrates narrow-mindedness, excessive zeal and disregard for the individual that characterised the government’s effort to secure Stephen Fielding’s support in the Senate stamp out a perceived social ill.

Should be coming to a desktop theatre near you shortly!

You won't be able to Don't miss it!


Anonymous said...

I denounce these proceedings and i quit this trial... err... court.

Stegetronium said...

Oh my god this was brilliant.

Sorry, I'm a bit behind. haven't checked your blog for two years. Glad to see you're still acerbic and very very smart.

Me, I've gone to fudge. But that's life with a double-wide pram.