The program includes courses such as:
- Touch Typing
- Medieval and Renaissance Cooking (I hope the participants aren’t allowed to use electricity, clean water or food stuffs that aren’t contaminated with bubonic plague); and
- Picture Framing For All (which I guess is way more inclusive than those other framing courses, such as Picture Framing for CEOs and Picture Framing for the Danish Royal Family )
Of interest to me though, is Introduction to Street Funk Dancing :
Hip-hop your way to a funky, high-energy hour of fun, fun, fun! Come learn basic street funk moves taught to pop and hip-hop music.
I don’t know whether it is a suppressed ambition to be a back-up dancer in video clips (and therefore be involved in those funky ‘dance-off’ type situations), or a sign I am turning into a total and complete social outcast (“what do you mean, ‘turning’?!?!”), but I’m really thinking about getting some leg warmers, a couple of sweat bands, and a Fame-style cut-off sweat shirt and signing up for this course.
I've never done any dancing before (I don't think bush-dancing in 3rd grade, or drunken dancing at Caesar's counts). So this would all be totally new to me.
What do you think?
Is this:
a) Likely to turn me into one of those tragic ‘dance group’ type of people so famously parodied in the video clip to Fatboy Slim’s Praise You?

b) Likely to turn me into one of those hot, muscly dancers you see in various video clips?
c) Likely to get me divorced? Or
d) Likely to turn me into a cult hero like Napoleon Dynamite after his on-stage funk-dance explosion?

Any Stink Town locals who want to join me in this artistic endeavour are more than welcome! Although I understand that the more likely outcome here is complete ostracism.
Fine! Laugh! See if I care!
I guess we all have to suffer for our art…
I'd potentially join just if they could teach me the N-Dynz Dance!
I've worked for a Sydney area community college for 5 years. I take a course every term.
My favourite was "Tea to cultivate the mind."
We actually had a course called "Be Patient, I'm about to bloom." I'm not sure what it was about. Growing boobs?
Well, you see, now you have to tell me what sort of tea cultivates the mind!
I recently went to a tea shop, asking for some valerian tea. The response was:
"We're a tea shop, not a herbalist."
There's obviously some kind of turf war going on there that I don't understand.
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