Monday, February 05, 2007

Adult content

This is the packaging for a Cars movie-themed piece of merchandise they are flogging down at the local Big W.

"Racy fun"?! With a kids' toy?

If you say so...

Whilst I was there, I noted a contender for gayest DVD cover-art EVAH! (to the exclusion of actual, proper gay movies, mind you):

What is going on, hot, young Rob Lowe?

What does Patrick Swayze look so pleased about? Lurking there in the background...

I tell you, DVD technology aint all it cracked up to be.


JahTeh said...

Rob Lowe, with whipped cream and nothing else. Swayze just doesn't do it for me.

Ampersand Duck said...

Shocking packaging; almost as bad as this.

I've seen/heard a lot of sneering about that movie cover, but have never watched the movie. Did you watch it?