Wednesday, February 15, 2006

So we watched the Winter Olympics last night...

Figure skating is evil and should be driven from the face of the earth.

In fact, any activity in which women wear costumes featuring skin coloured stocking as a means of creating an illusion of being scantily clad are the work of the devil and all good people on earth must band together to fight for an end to such atrocities.

I move an amendment that women only be allowed to wear these costumes with the prior approval of the Health Minister, which should ensure we never see them again.

For the good of society, of course.


lucy tartan said...

There must be quite a lot of involuntary farting associated with some of these poses.

Kerryn Goldsworthy said...

I'm too jealous to care -- about the bodystockings or the farting or the general naffitude or anything else, really. Look at that young thing with ball on her foot. I mean, look at her.

*Eats more chocolate*

comicstriphero said...

You know PC, I think it has been scientifically proven that chocolate is the solution to everything.

What type of chocolate you having?

Lucy - I reckon all beans and fruit would have to be off the menu for a couple of days before hand. Although, those girls don't look as if they ever eat anything anyway.

Anonymous said...

Ok, the 1st picture looks like a promotional photo for "Houseboy: My Life With Siegfried and Roy" starring McCauley Culkin.
The 2nd looks as though she's purposely driving the spike end of her figure skate through her own skull (probably in an effort to escape the demands and pressures of her overbearing parents and coaches). The 3rd looks like my friend's cat when he's cleaning himself. And the 4th...Well, lets just say that I've seen that position on a number of pop-up ads that appear whenever I google...well, just about anything. Although, I'm not sure I agree with you on the costuming. I mean nothing beats illusionary nudity on a 13 year old. I know that's just what I want to look at. (Oh, that was sarcasm, BTW).

comicstriphero said...

Missyfan, that had better be sarcasm.

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